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Do worms really eat dirt?
Web of Life Unit | Lesson 4 of 7

Do worms really eat dirt?

Web of Life Unit | Lesson 4 of 7
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How would you figure out whether worms were pests or helpful? What evidence would you need?

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DISCUSS (1 of 2):

Not everyone was convinced by Darwin. What additional evidence would make Darwin’s claim more convincing?

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DISCUSS (2 of 2):

Can you think of any other ways that worms could be helpful besides mixing and loosening up the soil?

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Do earthworms really just eat dirt, or do they eat other things as well?

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covers the Earth's surface; made of tiny rocks and material from dead plants and animals
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a substance that living things need to grow and stay healthy
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a material that contains nutrients to help plants grow
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any living thing
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a living thing that can break down dead living things
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worm waste (worm poop)
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carbon dioxide

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a type of gas that plants sometimes take in and that animals release when they breathe
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a group of things that affect each other and function as a whole
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to pay close attention to something
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to say or write an idea
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a test used to discover new information about a question
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something in an experiment that you do not change
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something that you can change in an experiment in order to test an idea
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fair test

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an experiment where only one thing is changed, and everything else stays the same
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information that can be used to support or reject an idea
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Image & Video Credits

Mystery Science respects the intellectual property rights of the owners of visual assets. We make every effort to use images and videos under appropriate licenses from the owner or by reaching out to the owner to get explicit permission. If you are the owner of a visual and believe we are using it without permission, please contact us—we will reply promptly and make things right.

Agriculture Helpers - earthworms on the ground by Image used under license from DAMIAN Films
Peasant Woman Digging, the Jardin de Maubuisson, Pontiose by Camille Pissarro
Rainy Sidewalk by Vince Mig
Watering Can by Momentmal , used under CC0
caterpillar green tree by Image used under license from Ikpro
common earthworm, Lumbricus terrestris, pulling leaves into tunnel in soil, ground, earth, UK by Image used under license from Papilio
drawing of woman and children in garden by Ernest Walbourn
earthworm in water on sidewalk by Carl Barrentine
football field by JSN Young , used under CC0
hands holding earthworms in soil by Image used under license from Rachel Husband
large green caterpillar eating leaf by Luke Gilliam , used under CC BY
person in running shoes walking, rear shot by Image used under license from Kekyalyaynen
portrait of Charles Darwin by George Richmond
close earthworm photo by Image used under license from kzww
Lesson narration:

Grade 5

Ecosystems & The Food Web

Decomposers, Nutrients, & Matter Cycle


Activity Prep

Print Prep

In this lesson, students discover the critical role earthworms play in decomposing dead material and releasing nutrients into the soil. During a two-part activity, Ask a Worm, students observe earthworms and then design their own “fair test” investigations of earthworm behavior. Students first make close observations of worms. Then, students conduct a simple experiment with multiple trials to figure out if worms prefer dry or wet areas. They consider what a “fair test” is and design an experiment to answer other questions about worms.

Preview activity


16 mins


4 mins

Grade 5

Ecosystems & The Food Web

Decomposers, Nutrients, & Matter Cycle


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